Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hipocracy in the great democracy

What were you thinking Gov. Elliot Spitzer or client #9 as your now known. I know folks in your circle have many privileges and friends covering your back, but couldn't you have used a bit more discretion. Cash is king and I would hope the emperor would have agreed. I would have thought a prosecutor would know better than leaving a money trail.

The public is in shock, but I expect no less from your kind. So, many of our laws have roots in a personal morality that has long ago vanished. The larger public uses its own discretion when it comes to the personal and uses the law when it comes to others. Client #9 is no different and he has many public figures preceding him. Politicians to pulpit orators have fallen for the same indiscretion. The problem I have with Elliot has more to do with the years of prosecuting those that have committed the same acts. How do you justify what you have done to the lives of so many, when all along you had been doing the same. I think your fall from public grace and the struggle you will confront withing your family will do much to remedy your morality. I wish you the same reprieve from the law that you should have extended to so many others, but did not. For that I honor your disgrace with the middlefinger salute.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The hero up against the wall and the message for us all!

They ask the question of what we should say to the kids. Our hero has been exposed for his lie. I know there is a message here for us all, and particularly for you kids. Although I am reluctant, I dare say this message will go unspoken if I do not, so here it is. If you do drugs they will get you. They don't care that you have been a hero to many. No, they don't need a victim to convict you of a crime. They have decide for you what is to be in your body and have used the law to enforce their decisions. I don't know if what they say of the drug is true and those that know the answer will never be free to share that knowledge with you.
I know this much from my years of life, every drug that has been made illegal and many more that are not, have been used by a good majority of the folks around us. Firefighters have been exposed for the cocaine or alcohol in their blood. Nevermind the lives saved and forget their own life lost. I say any man or woman who run into a burning building should be able to use what ever form of courage they need to do so, if they so choose, but that choice is not theirs, I guess. We are constantly bombarded by the pop hero in hollywood or from the music world that have been exposed for their indiscretions, as if anyone cares that our song writers are stoned. I wish they could be left alone.
Kids you will be exposed to many drugs as you mature into the real world. I don't suggest it is wise to use them, but I do know that you will make that decision on your own, whether or not the law has taken favor or reproach to a particular drug. Every adult has done so, Bill Clinton and pot, George Bush is aledged to have use cocaine and Roger it seems used steroids. I wish they could all be honest with you, but because of the law they can not.
We are faced with a long history of self-rightousness that has ruined the lives of many more men than Roger Clemens. Roger was right to suggest using steroid has its own punishment and that punsishment is enough to stop most of us. We all make decisions that effect our health. I don't need someone to tell me what is good or bad, I make this choice on my own, as does everyone of those senators. Find the information to make good choices, figure out who has the right to speak to each matter. If you choose as so many do to endulge in things forbidden, then be aware of the price you will pay in terms of health and be also aware of the self-rightous that are in wait, because they will get you. Take personel responsibility for your actions, be informed before you put anything into your body. Roger Clemens is his own keeper, not me, not congress and not you. Roger Clemens played a game and the fact he used drugs to excell has a lot to say about our society, but the fact that others would find the need to be his keeper has me concerned for all of you. God Bless you Roger, for if you have avoided harm from your actions it seems certain that you will not avoid harm from their actions and that lesson should be hedded by all. To surrender the rights of free will to law, for me needs justification and although they try, I see no justice in what is done. Roger suffers all the punishment his actions warrent, by his actions alone and what these actions have done to his body. Roger was a man on a pedistal and now I know that pedistals are not safe for standing. Kids play baseball and enjoy it as a game, and if somehow you find yourself inline for a chance upon the pedestal, remember Roger and ask yourselves, what risks are you prepared to take to stand in such an unsafe place.