Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hipocracy in the great democracy

What were you thinking Gov. Elliot Spitzer or client #9 as your now known. I know folks in your circle have many privileges and friends covering your back, but couldn't you have used a bit more discretion. Cash is king and I would hope the emperor would have agreed. I would have thought a prosecutor would know better than leaving a money trail.

The public is in shock, but I expect no less from your kind. So, many of our laws have roots in a personal morality that has long ago vanished. The larger public uses its own discretion when it comes to the personal and uses the law when it comes to others. Client #9 is no different and he has many public figures preceding him. Politicians to pulpit orators have fallen for the same indiscretion. The problem I have with Elliot has more to do with the years of prosecuting those that have committed the same acts. How do you justify what you have done to the lives of so many, when all along you had been doing the same. I think your fall from public grace and the struggle you will confront withing your family will do much to remedy your morality. I wish you the same reprieve from the law that you should have extended to so many others, but did not. For that I honor your disgrace with the middlefinger salute.

1 comment:

con stab said...

Sinclair in 2026 baby. Amen. the presidency will be up for grabs by then anyway when we're all limblessly wandering around a post apocalyptic 'wilderness' which the religious fanatics will have basically willed into existence. As far as Spitzer goes, or as I call him Revelation number 9, number 9 number 9... The satirst Bill Maher said it best when he observed: 'Those who pose as pillars of virtue are often the biggest freaks of them all.' Keep the organic rage-voltage flowing, o noble blogger.