Monday, March 5, 2007

Our standard of living is Unsustainable.

Apparently everyone knows it, except you the American people. David Walker is the nations top accountant, The comptroller General of the United States and was the subject of a recent 60 minutes piece. Walker is fed up with elected officials and is now trying to reach the American people directly with his warning. According to Walker we are digging ourselves into a hole so deep that we might not be able to get out, unless we act soon. It is worth a moment to read the transcript at
Apparently there is not a single soul who disputes the claims made by Walker. Its fucking shameful that so many of our elected officials know whats up yet fail to address it. I don't doubt the silence has its utility, as I suspect the financial positioning (repositioning) of wealth is going on right now. The elites will let the rest of you in on the "dirty little secret everyone in Washington knows" as soon as they have completed the reposition. Oh, and the secrets release is likely to occur at the same time they cut your benefits or raise your taxes, if not both.

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