Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sub prime salute!

Well it appears that the sub prime mortgage market is in rough shape. I guess they didn't know this was going to happen, ha. This has got to be one of the best examples of how 'ill-logical' the system of finance works, capitalism at it best. I ask you this, perhaps you may be one of the unfortunate sub prime borrowers, could you afford a mortgage if it were at the same rate the elite pay, maybe not but more likely I am sure. The results of these higher rates adds up to hundreds of dollars each month. Logic tells me that if you are asked to pay more for the loan, it becomes more likely you won't afford it. In addition to this fact, I remind you that you likely paid much more than you would have because of the boom, these loans created for the market.
So the self fulfilling result is now at hand, you become the scum bag defaulter they said you were when they charged you the rape rate. This will be used to further humilate you when you are in need some time in the future.
I have seen this cycle before, in the late 80's as the same reality struck. The fed's came in with stricter lending guidlines, and the bad loans the banks made were covered by the taxpayer. They called it the saving and loans crisis, as if the banks were the victims. All the poor saps that lost the family home, well their crisis was hardly a mention. So the middlefinger salute for the day goes out to the sub prime lender, I hope you have to fold up your fucking shops for another decade.

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